Food for Thoughts

Careful with Our Speech

Children are fast learner and great imitator. Basically they imitate our mannerism, the word we use and our lifestyle as well.

The other day, my 3 year old nephew, while I was watching the maid trying to change him into his pajamas, he kept insisting that I helped him to cut off the brand tag. When I refused to do so, he threw tantrum. Finally, my sister agreed to help him to cut off when they returned home later on. His face brightened up with a smile. Then, he looked at me, with his little finger pointing at me, saying, " You, no good. I don't want you." And I looked at him and said with a stern voice, "You say that again?" He then kept quiet. But his mannerism resembled one of his parents. It's the tone and word that the parent used when he refused to listen, or do as requested. That evening, he left my house, refusing to say/kiss me goodbye!

Here's my thoughts. Discipline children is important. But the choice of words and the way we discipline have to be wise. Children is great imitator. If you ever visit a play school/ kindergarden, you will be amazed by some of the children behaviour and speeches. And from there, you will be able to rough gauge of their family background. You reckon?