Food for Thoughts

When You meant well

Sometimes, we are in a situation where our action means well, but the receiver thinks otherwise, and you wonder why cant the person see your point of view. It happens in all relationships, be it at home, at workplace, and everywhere whenever you have human interaction.

Recently been through this phase. An action which I meant well to remind someone, was mistaken as making a fuss. An action which I meant to clarify, was taken as criticism. Despite the usage of right word and right mannerism, the misunderstanding couldn't seem to be avoided. Am I offended? Yes, of course. Am I hurt? I can't deny. But I have decided to choose to forgive and overlook the offense. After all, what good will it be to hold? And if I choose not to let go and forgive, I will most properly be repeating the offended feelings to many ppl, and the feelings will still remain there. It's not natural to choose forgiveness, but it's an effort to make the decision. Choosing forgiveness doesn't mean you have lost the battle, but it is the opposite. The gain? Inner peace.


Into Your hands
I commit again, with all I have for You Lord
You hold my world in the palm of Your hand
And I am Yours forever

Jesus I believe in You
Jesus I belong to You
YOu are the reason that I live
The reason that I'll sing
With all I am

I walk with You
Wherever You go
Through tears and joy
I trust in YOu
And I believe, in all of your ways
your promises, forever

Jesus I believe in You
Jesus I belong to You
You are the reason that I live
The reason that I'll sing
with all I am.