Let Go
Before I went to Indonesia last week, I did web check-in and guess what, my printer was out of ink and it was 10.15pm. I got to wake up at 5.30pm to catch a bus to LCCT. So, quickly I called a friend and headed off to her house to print. Her printer, which was working perfectly well the night before, was jammed up and not working. After trying for half an hour, I called another friend nearby and headed off to her house, only found out I could't reprint my boarding pass (despite clicking the reprint button few times). Panic striked. But nothing could be done. So I headed home. Before I slept, I prayed and peace came. The song "How Great is Our God" kept lingering all through the night, even in the morning when I woke up. I knew God is in control, despite all these unexpected things. I arrived at airport on time, the queue was short and I managed to get my boarding pass reprinted over the counter. Had I not let go the night before, and choose to worry, I wouldn't have a good nite sleep.
In life, we can look after certain ppl in our lives. It comes to a point of time where you know it's time to let go of them and let them grow. It's not that you abandon them, but you know that their wings hv grown bigger, stronger and it's time for them to spread their wings else where, b'coz the nest is just too small for them..to ruffle. Can't deny the nest is comfortable and warm, just that they may feel out of place. Yeah, letting go maybe painful for some of us, but if it's for the better of the person, it's good to be so. Won't you agree?
Posted in: My Story on Sunday, December 27, 2009 at at 3:53 PM