Rafting and "Roughing"
Vision of river, flowing down from mountain to the valley. Saw a group of people in a boat, doing white water rafting. The water is rapid and rough. But everyone stays in the boat, each doing their parts, keeping the boat balance and afloat. No abandonment.
Enlightenment came. As a body of Christ, we are called to be united in spirit. It doesn't mean conformity. It means unity. Like in white water rafting. Though the water is rapid and rough, all members stay in the same boat, irregardless. Because, they have a goal...it is to reach the destination. Each do their parts.
We have differences in view, in style and in speech. It won't mean less argument. But, lets stay in the boat and move together towards the same goal of higher calling.
Posted in: My Story on Saturday, August 2, 2008 at at 6:55 PM